Leven Valley C of E Primary School

School Day

8.50 - 9.00am Arrival (member of staff on duty)

9.00 – 9.10am  Registration
9.10 – 10.20am  Class time
10.20 – 10.40am  Playtime
10.40 – 11.40am  Class time
11.40 – 12.00 Collective worship
12.00 – 1.00pm Lunch time (1.30pm for Class 1)
1.00 – 3.30pm Class time

3.30pm Hometime (member of staff on duty)

 There is an afternoon break for Class 1, usually from 2.15 - 2.30pm. 

The total compulsory weekly time in school for all children is 32.5 hours. 

Safety and Security

Staff are on duty from 8.50am, when the school is responsible for the children. On arrival at school the children play on the playground, unless it is wet or very cold when they are allowed to come indoors. Teachers are usually in school outside these hours preparing and marking, it must not be assumed that they are available to supervise children. Children should not arrive on the school premises before 8.50am. If there is occasional need for them to arrive earlier than this the Headteacher must be informed.

After 9.00am and for the rest of the day, exterior doors are locked and all parents and visitors are asked to knock or ring the bell at the main entrance and sign in.

At the end of the day, all children including those children who travel to school by taxi or minibus walk out together with a member of staff to meet parents or board the buses. For the safety of all the children we would ask all private cars to park away from the area marked by yellow lines where the taxis and buses wait. Parents are asked to wait in the sheepfold to collect their children. If a parent is late collecting their child, staff will ask the child to wait inside school until they are collected. 

All pedestrians must use the footpaths and pedestrian gates to enter the school grounds: please do not walk along the drive. All bikes must be pushed on the school grounds: again do not ride them along the drive or in the parking area - thank you. 

Collective Worship

Collective worship is held daily, either as a whole school or in class groups. Themes for worship are planned to cover the whole school year and include story, prayer, music and singing. The children join staff and other guests to lead worship, exploring issues and ideas that are important in their lives.

Parents are entitled to withdraw their children from Religious Education and collective worship if they so wish. Children withdrawn from these lessons may engage in private study of their own religion. However, since our acts of worship tend to be of a broad nature, we encourage all children to take part.