Leven Valley C of E Primary School

Inspection Reports & Performance Data

Please find below our most recent OFSTED and SIAMS reports and a link to the Department for Education Performance Tables.

Key Stage 2 Outcomes 2023

Leven Valley Primary School 2023 National 2023
Cohort of 11 children Expected standard or better Higher level of attainment Average scaled score Expected standard or better Higher level of attainment Average scaled score
Reading 70% 40% 107 73% TBC% TBC
Writing 90% 30% - 71% TBC% -
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 80% 40% 106 72% TBC% TBC
Maths 80% 30% 105 73% TBC% TBC
Reading, writing & maths 60% - 105 59% - -

Department for Education Performance Tables