Leven Valley C of E Primary School


What is the Year 6 Suma Project?

Image result for suma wholefoods

The Year 6 Suma Project is a local community food group run and organised by children in Year 6. Running for several years now at Leven Valley, it provides a service to local people and at the same time a great opportunity for Year 6 to learn some important skills for life and hone their entrepreneurial skills!

What is a community food group?

A Food Group is a great way to get high quality goods at wholesale prices, delivered to Leven Valley School.

Buying in bulk can help to reduce your carbon footprint, minimise the amount of packaging you use, and save you money on your shopping. It’s also a fun way to get involved in your community.

Suma supplies a vast range comprising more than 6500 different products but specialising in vegetarian, organic, fair-trade foods. They also supply a wide range of body care and household goods such as their own range of cleaning products – the Ecoleaf brand .

Here is a bit more information from the Y6 Suma Team...

SUMA is an ethical company where every product has to be:


Suma products are not all organic but most of them are. Organic means that no chemicals have been used and it is environmentally friendly.


All Suma products are ethical. Ethical means that people are not being treated badly.

Fair Trade

Most of Suma products are Fair Trade. Fair Trade means that everybody gets the same amount of money and it doesn’t matter what their job is.


Natural means that no chemicals have been added.


Vegetarian means that no meat is involved.

Reasons for Choosing Suma

  • Suma is a Fair Trade vegetarian/vegan food company.
  • The Suma Project at Leven Valley is a great experience for children in Class 3.
  • Children don’t normally get any business experience until they’re an adult and as you know, it’s better to learn young than old!
  • Suma also satisfies the buyers because of the value for money and the quality of the goods.
  • In our opinion, locals have been impressed by what the Suma Team at Leven Valley have done and they keep coming back for more!

Why we do the Suma Project at Leven Valley?

The reasons for doing the Suma Project at Leven Valley are because it gives us skills for the future.

There is a lot involved in organising an order.

During this Suma Project some of the skills we learnt and used were English based, such as speaking to people on the telephone, writing reports about our experiences, writing and sending emails to customers and sending letters out about Suma. It also helped us with our mathematics and ICT skills like using: Microsoft Excel to record the orders, percentages & fractions when splitting up boxes of items to order singles, adding up and checking the orders and we even used to write cheques!

By the Year 6 Suma Team at Leven Valley.

Becoming a Food Group member and ordering

Orders are usually placed once every half-term, food group members will be notified and reminded by email, so if you're keen to become a member please contact the Year 6 Suma Team by email at  suma@levenvalley.cumbria.sch.uk. They will send you all the information you need to place your first order.