Leven Valley C of E Primary School

John Muir Award

What's it all about?

The John Muir Award encourages people of all backgrounds to connect with, enjoy and care for wild places, whether close to home or further afield. 

It is an environmental award scheme focussing on wild places that is fully inclusive, accessible and non-competitive, though it does provide challenge to participants at their own level. The Award encourages awareness and responsibility for the natural environment through a structured yet adaptable scheme, in a spirit of fun, adventure and exploration.

There are 3 award levels - bronze, silver and gold - at each level the participants must complete four challenges covering these four areas.





Here at Leven Valley, Class 3 children take part in the John Muir Award at the Bronze level. We are fortunate to be living and working in the Lake District National Park which we make the most of, and focus for, our John Muir Award programme. 

Find out more - video and website


John Muir Award website

The John Muir Award at Leven Valley

We've worked closely with Gareth at Woodmatters over recent years to develop a JMA programme focussing on woodlands and the Lake District landscape. Most sessions take place at a National Turst property called St Catherine's Wood, where Woodmatters is based, but as they move through the programme they visit other venues to transfer their learning and broaden understanding. It is wonderful to see the children grow in their appreciation and knowledge of the natural and wild environment which they are growing up in - hopefullly this is something that will stay with them into their adult lives. 

Here is a copy of the presentation made by the children as part of the 'Sharing' challenge. All the Class 3 children were involved in the presentation during LV Fest in July 2021. 

 John Muir Presentation 2021